Friday, May 04, 2012

Haikuesday May 1st, 2012

Tea can change your mind
sipping it with intention
inside and outside
  • Zach Krebs
The ox pulls its weight
tea allows it to be free
then back to the pen
  • Zach Krebs

Two bucks for great tea
some cost more, also worth it,
After Party Cart
  • Janet

In the library
nothing cool—bad furniture
talk, tea, study, drool.
  • Annie Z-K

Smiling at my cup,
The first of May winks and asks:
“Will you share your tea?”
--Mical Lewis

Tea likes heart, no sound,
no thoughts, only feelings heard,
one cup, ne'er enough
--A Humble Leaf Blowing in the Wind...
(Michael Vasquez)

The puer has arrived,
It surprised me; there were two.
I like both of them.
  • Maddie Norman

Mint tea just won't do
Camelia Sinensis brew
and everything's fine.
  • Josh Chamberlain

Sip 3 cups of tea
mind settles, heart opening
J-Tea, a refuge
  • Lucy Kingsly
Herbs, white, green, red, black
J-Tea warm and welcoming
Tea to satisfy
  • Lucy Kingsly

Spring rains bring lilacs
May Day with Iron Goddess
Everything settles
  • Lucy Kingsly

A cycle of haikus by Jonathan Manly, Josh Chamberlain, and Lucy Kingsly

Sweet taste on the tip
Oolong gently fills my mouth
Bitter down my throat

Sweet taste returning
Red and green or in between
Happiness happens

Sweet taste calms the mind
Blossoming heart opening
cup of tea fulfills

A cycle of haikus by Mical Lewis, Lucy Kingsly and Josh Chamberlain

Say Happy May Day
Spring rains, blossoming flowers
A good time for tea

A good time for tea:
Zhang Shu Hu brings quiet thoughts
and a sweet haiku

And a sweet haiku
offers opportuni-Tea
for friendly playing

For friendly playing
drink J-Tea together and
run through fields of green.

Run through fields of green
selecting words like flowers
laughter fills tea cups

Laughter fills tea cups
even if you feel so-so
say Happy May Day.

A Second Cycle of Haikus by ML, LK, and JC

Reading chicken auras
scratch grains fall like harvest rains
sipping cups of tea

Quietly sitting
scratch grains fall like harvest rains
tea, chickens bring peace

Bitter cups this season
scratch grains fall like harvest rains
All the chicks gather  

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